Neill Kaipo Shikada

Digital Cooperative Forms

Drawing - like computing - is often undertaken solely with the hand. This project explores the potential of engaging the untapped potential of our full, embodied self in drawing.

Using Google's MediaPipe as a foundation, I coded an object-oriented program in Jupyter Notebook that creates circles based off of hand location. The circle's derive their size, color, shade, and location from the relative position of the hands and are redrawn every frame.

The next steps in the development of this is to introduce another individual into the equation. I will iterate upon this using MediaPipe hand detection to allow for an increased number of people to draw together.

Code found here

Later video after object-oriented refactoring

[Python, Mediapipe, OpenCV, Jupyter Notebook]

Output image from the program (taken at last frame)

[Python, Mediapipe, OpenCV, Jupyter Notebook]

Video of early prototype

[Python, Mediapipe, OpenCV, Jupyter Notebook]